Fifth International Conference on Applied Development Economics (23rd – 25th August, 2023)
Centre for Research in Economics and Business (CREB) and the Innovation and Technology Centre (ITC) at Lahore School of Economics hosted the 5th International Conference on Applied Development Economics (ADE), as an in-person event in Lahore, from 23 – 25 August 2023. ADE2023 featured plenary talks by Danila Serra (Texas A&M University) and David Evans (Center for Global Development).
The conference aimed to (i) highlight recent research that can have lasting policy impact for sustainable growth in the developing world; (ii) provide early career researchers the opportunity to obtain feedback on their on-going work; and (iii) to start a mutually beneficial exchange of ideas and discussions among researchers on potential collaborations.
The conference included presentations from international and local researchers working on issues related to economic development and sustainable growth in the developing world. The conference broadly focused on the following thematic areas: Labour Markets, Industry and Trade, Political Economy and Institutions, Education and Health and Climate Change with a crosscutting emphasis on gender.
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