Workshop on Writing an Introduction Effectively
Dr. Shaheen Naseer and Dareen Latif
CREB held its fifth one-session virtual workshop, on writing an introduction of economics research paper effectively. The workshop was conducted in a one and half hour session on the 1st of April, 2022 (Friday) between 11:00 – 12:30 pm.
The objective of this workshop was to inform participants about the most prominent methods of writing an effective introduction, and subsequently, which method is being used more widely in the field these days in order to increase the chances of getting ones paper published in a top-ranked journal and its readership/citations.
The content covered in the session was as follows:
Various authors including David Evans acknowledge how important first impressions and framing are in a paper, and therefore, have studied the introductions of numerous papers published in top-ranked journals. Based on the most common elements of these introductions they have formulated the introduction formula or the general guideline on what components a well-written introduction must include.
During the course of this one-session workshop, the participants learned about the introduction formula/guideline and what each component within this formula/guide means in detail, supplemented with specific examples from well-written introductions of economic research papers, as well as from the trainers’ own work and experience.